Trusted Varicose Veins Specialist

Eliminate Superficial Veins With Safe and Effective Treatments

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Personalized Varicose Treatments by America’s Vein Doctors 

As people age, the body goes through many changes that might affect their appearance or overall health. One of these changes is the appearance of a damaged or swollen vein in the lower leg, more commonly known as a varicose vein. 

Although many people are worried about the appearance of their legs because of varicose veins, these unsightly veins might also be a symptom of a more serious vascular disease. At America’s Vein Doctors, we want to help more patients get rid of varicose veins for cosmetic or medical purposes.

America’s Vein Doctors are here to accurately diagnose your condition using your medical records and recommend the right treatment plans to get rid of the abnormal veins for good – even without the need for varicose vein surgery. Call us today to book your first appointment with an experienced vein specialist near you.

What Varicose Veins Are and Why You Have Them

Varicose veins are damaged and enlarged veins that bulge close to the surface of the skin. They usually affect the saphenous vein in the legs, the blood vessel responsible for directing the blood flow back to the heart. 

When the valves inside the vein weaken or get damaged, the blood has difficulty returning to the heart. The blood flow is constantly weighed down by gravity, causing it to flow backward and pool inside the damaged veins. This venous reflux results in stretching and twisting of the veins until they appear as purple or blue veins that bulge just below the surface of the skin.

Aside from the appearance of cord-like veins in the legs, some patients may also experience some uncomfortable or painful symptoms that make it hard to move around. Varicose veins may be accompanied by a heavy feeling in the legs, muscle cramping, pain after standing or sitting for too long, skin discoloration, or itching around one of the varicose veins.

Get Rid of Unwanted Varicose Veins With America’s Vein Doctors

America’s Vein Doctors is a vascular center by Allure Medical that specializes in providing each of our patients with a well-crafted varicose treatment to remove varicose veins, manage the symptoms of the underlying vein disease, and prevent it from progressing. We’re dedicated to helping you improve your quality of life using safe and effective treatment options that don’t require dermatologic surgery.

  • Professional Diagnosis and Treatments. Varicose veins and spider veins that are left untreated eventually turn into a vein problem that might require vascular surgery. Our team wants to prevent this as much as possible, so we do everything we can to provide our patients with accurate diagnoses and recommend the best treatment plans for them.
  • Treatments Made For You. We believe that the key to a safe and effective treatment is to understand the patient’s venous disease properly. We also take their needs and goals into consideration when creating their treatment plan.
  • Highly-Trained Team of Vein Specialists. The success of eliminating the affected vein and treating the underlying venous condition depends on the skills of your provider. It’s important to find someone specially trained to perform venous treatments so you can improve your quality of life quickly.
  • State-of-the-Art Treatment Facilities. Aside from the provider’s experience, your environment also plays a huge factor in the success of your treatment. All of our procedures are performed inside world-class facilities to ensure your comfort and safety at all times.

What Causes Varicose Veins?

Anyone may develop severe varicose veins in their legs and other parts of their body. However, some risk factors make some people more likely to spot an enlarged vein on their skin than others such as:

  • Age. Aging is one of the main causes of the wear and tear that the vein valves experience, making it difficult for them to control blood flow. This eventually causes some of the blood to flow back to the veins and collect there.
  • Gender. Women are more likely to develop varicose veins and spider veins because of the hormonal changes they experience throughout their life. They might see varicose veins on their legs before a menstrual period or during their pregnancy or menopausal period.
  • Lifestyle. Sitting or standing for too long restricts blood circulation in the legs. Wearing restrictive clothes also decreases blood flow, causing varicose veins to appear on the skin.
  • Family History. Patients with close relatives who have varicose veins also have a higher chance of developing these vein conditions than others.
  • Overall Health. Health conditions like constipation and tumors increase the pressure in the veins, which might result in the appearance of varicose veins.
  • Smoking Habits. Smoking weakens the vein wall and vein valve, which causes blood to flow backward or pool inside the veins of the legs.
  • Weight. Excess weight adds pressure on the legs and veins. This increases an obese patient’s risk of developing unwanted veins and other venous conditions.

Can You Prevent Varicose Veins at Home?

Like spider veins, varicose veins can be a cosmetic concern for some people or a serious vein problem for others. While some risk factors can’t be avoided, there are still a few ways for you to lower your risk of developing varicose veins even at home.

  • Maintain or aim for a healthy weight to improve blood flow and remove the pressure on the veins of your legs.
  • Avoid standing or sitting for too long. When sitting, try to elevate your legs and raise them above the level of your chest to help the blood return to the heart.
  • Stay fit and exercise regularly to keep the leg muscles toned, the blood flowing properly, and your weight at a normal number.
  • Avoid wearing tight clothes that restrict blood flow in your crotch area and legs.
  • Consider wearing daily support stockings or socks if your job or daily routine requires you to stand for long periods. Stretching and exercising your legs also help increase circulation and relieve pressure buildup.
  • Eat a balanced diet and cut down your intake of salty, sweet, and processed foods. Increasing your fiber intake also helps improve vein health.
  • Sleep on the left side of the body instead of the back can minimize pressure from the uterus to the pelvic area, especially if you’re pregnant. They can also ask their doctor about using compression stockings.

When Should You Visit a Varicose Vein Specialist

In some cases, varicose veins aren’t a health condition that requires you to visit a vascular center or clinic immediately. But if you’re experiencing uncomfortable symptoms like pain, swelling, and heaviness in your legs, then it’s time to consult a varicose vein specialist.

  • Your legs and ankle start swelling after feeling tired at the end of the day.
  • There’s some bruising and skin discoloration in the area of the varicose veins.
  • Your leg wounds aren’t healing properly because of insufficient blood flow.
  • Rashes or dry and itchy patches of skin have started appearing near your ankle.
  • Your leg pain is making it difficult for you to move around and complete easy tasks.
  • There’s a tender lump in one of your legs.
  • You feel itchiness around one of the varicose veins in your legs.

Treating Varicose Veins

Depending on your venous disease, a vein specialist may recommend either of the following minimally invasive treatments to get rid of your varicose veins:

  • Compression Stockings. A vein specialist may recommend wearing compression stockings to decrease swelling and let the blood flow back to the heart without much problem. They usually come in different types with varying levels of compression.
  • Endovenous Ablation Therapy. Also known as EVLT, this treatment uses laser energy to heat and damage the vein wall. EVLT causes the damaged vein to collapse and close. The blood then flows to other nearby healthy veins.
  • Sclerotherapy. This injectable treatment involves using a sclerosant to irritate and close the affected vein. The doctor may use Duplex ultrasound to perform sclerotherapy more accurately.
  • Microphlebectomy. This minimally invasive treatment involves cutting the damaged vein into smaller sections and removing the varicose vein through the tiny incision created on the surface of the skin. This works best for varicose veins that can’t be closed with sclerotherapy.
  • Radiofrequency Ablation. This treatment is similar to EVLT but uses radiofrequency energy inside of laser energy to heat the damaged vein. This causes scar tissues to form and close the varicose vein.

A vascular surgeon only recommends vascular surgery for patients with serious venous conditions that can’t be treated with minimally invasive techniques. It usually involves tying off the affected vein (litigation) or removing a long segment of it (stripping). 

Free Yourself From Vein Issues at America’s Vein Doctors

At America’s Vein Doctors, we promise to deliver high-quality vein treatments for any and all vein concerns. Improve your quality of life by contacting us today for your initial consultation.

What Happens to Untreated Varicose Veins?

Many patients find treatments for their varicose veins because of cosmetic or medical purposes. It’s important to consult a vein specialist immediately and receive the appropriate varicose vein treatment before your leg veins develop into:

  1. Chronic Venous Insufficiency is a condition in which the veins of your legs don’t work like they’re supposed to. Some of the vein valves don’t function properly, causing the blood to flow backward or pool in the legs.
  2. Deep Vein Thrombosis happens when there is a blood clot in the deep veins of the legs, resulting in pain and swelling in the area. The appearance of spider veins and varicose veins may result in blood clots in the deeper veins and greatly increase your risk of developing deep vein thrombosis.
  3. Problematic Bleeding leads to skin discoloration, as well as damage and inflammation of the nearby tissues. Untreated varicose veins result in increased blood pressure in the veins, causing some of the veins to burst and lead to problematic bleeding.
  4. Venous Ulcers form when the damaged vein fails to heal immediately. These leg ulcers are extremely painful and may become a gateway to infection. Treating venous ulcers may involve taking care of the venous problem first or removing some of the tissues around the wound in some cases.
  5. Superficial Thrombophlebitis is the inflammation of the leg vein found near the surface of the skin. Like deep vein thrombosis, this condition also develops when blood clots form because of untreated varicose veins or spider veins.

FAQs About Varicose Veins

Q: Will I get varicose veins too if I already have spider veins and reticular veins?

A: The appearance of spider veins and reticular veins don’t lead to varicose veins, but these different venous conditions may exist at the same time. If any of these unwanted veins start hurting or making your legs feel heavy, then it’s time to visit a vein specialist to get a diagnosis for your venous condition.

Q: How many treatment sessions do I need to get rid of varicose veins for good?

A: This depends on the type of treatment recommended and the number of varicose veins that need to be treated. Most patients need multiple treatment sessions because non-surgical treatments are often prescribed for them. To find out how many sessions are required for your condition, consult with us at America’s Vein Doctors today.

Q: Which treatment option works best for varicose veins?

A: There’s no quick answer to this question because it all depends on the patient’s condition and their preferred treatment. Most cases of varicose veins are treated with non-surgical options.

Q: Does closing damaged veins become a problem in the long run?

A: No, removing varicose veins and other kinds of damaged veins even improves the blood flow back to the heart. Your body is extremely adaptive so the blood reroutes to nearby healthy veins to ensure proper blood circulation.

Q: Will my insurance cover my varicose vein treatment?

A: Many insurance companies offer coverage for the treatment of varicose veins, as long as they’re “medically necessary.” However, it’s still important to consult your insurance provider first to know how you can file a claim and what the needed documents are.

Enjoy Clear, Vein-Free Skin With Vein Treatments by America’s Vein Doctors

Varicose veins can be a simple cosmetic concern or a sign of a serious vein problem. Regardless of which the case is for you, America’s Vein Doctors are here to help you get rid of them for good using high-quality, minimally invasive vein treatments. We always make sure to accurately diagnose any venous condition and consider your needs when creating personalized treatment plans.

Find out which vein treatment works best for you by booking an appointment with us.

We're actively treating Varicose Veins around the following service areas:
