The painful leg cramps you experience after a long day's work might not only be due to stress or muscle strain. If it comes with itchiness, swelling, leg ulcer, and more noticeable veins, consult our healthcare professionals at America's Vein Doctors for chronic venous disease or venous reflux.
For some, a leg ulcer might only look like a bad skin lesion or their eczema returning due to a shift in the weather, but its causes may lie deeper than that. If your leg wound involves swelling, varicose veins, and pigmentation, consult our vein specialists at America's Vein Doctors.
Having varicose veins is a common condition experienced by 1 out of 5 adults worldwide – this involves an appearance of unsightly veins on the legs. However, these bulging veins may sometimes be a symptom of underlying vein disease.
Unwanted veins on the legs are a common problem for many people. But aside from affecting the way your flawless skin looks, these networks of tiny spider veins might also be a symptom of a more serious venous condition.
As people age, the body goes through many changes that might affect their appearance or overall health. One of these changes is the appearance of a damaged or swollen vein in the lower leg, more commonly known as a varicose vein.