Trusted Spider Veins Specialist

Say Goodbye to Unwanted Leg Veins With Safe and Effective Treatments

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Personalized Spider Vein Treatments by America’s Vein Doctors 

Unwanted veins on the legs are a common problem for many people. But aside from affecting the way your flawless skin looks, these networks of tiny spider veins might also be a symptom of a more serious venous condition.

We understand how the appearance of a spider vein or varicose vein on your legs affects your confidence or movement in some cases, which is why our team introduces specialized vein treatments by America’s Vein Doctors. Depending on your condition, we may recommend a wide range of treatments from compression socks to sclerotherapy so that  the appearance of damaged veins on your skin are gone for good.

Aside from eliminating the abnormal veins, we also determine the cause of your venous problem and recommend appropriate treatment options. Call us today to book your first appointment with an experienced vein specialist near you.

What Spider Veins Are and Why You Have Them

Spider veins are the tiny network of veins that are easily visible through the skin. They’re usually purple, red, or blue superficial veins that appear to twist and turn. Spider veins develop because of weakened blood vessel walls or faulty vein valves, causing the blood flow to pool in the legs or other problem areas.

Spider veins are usually found on the lower leg but they might also appear on the hands, chest, face, and other parts of the body. Although they’re usually considered a cosmetic concern, some patients experience itching, heaviness, and cramping in their legs because of chronic venous insufficiency – the same condition that may cause visible veins to appear on the skin.

Get Rid of Unwanted Spider Veins With America’s Vein Doctors

America’s Vein Doctors is a vein center that specializes in providing each of our patients with a well-crafted spider vein treatment to erase spider veins, manage the symptoms of the underlying vein disease, and prevent it from progressing. We’re dedicated to helping you improve your quality of life using safe and effective treatment options that don’t require dermatologic surgery.

  • Professional Diagnosis and Treatments. Spider veins that are left untreated eventually turn into a vein problem that might require vascular surgery. Our team wants to prevent this as much as possible, so we do everything we can to provide our patients with accurate diagnoses and recommend the best treatment plans for them.
  • Treatments Made For You. We believe that the key to a safe and effective treatment is to understand the patient’s venous disease properly. We also take their needs and goals into consideration when creating their treatment plan.
  • Highly-Trained Team of Vein Specialists. The success of eliminating the affected vein and treating the underlying venous condition depends on the skills of your provider. It’s important to find someone specially trained to perform venous treatments so you can improve your quality of life quickly.
  • State-of-the-Art Treatment Facilities. Aside from the provider’s experience, your environment also plays a huge factor in the success of your treatment. All of our procedures are performed inside world-class facilities to ensure your comfort and safety at all times.

What Causes Spider Veins?

Anyone may develop spider veins in their legs and other parts of their body. However, some risk factors make some people more likely to spot superficial veins on their skin than others such as:

  • Age. More spider veins might appear on the skin as we age because the venous condition also progresses with time. The vein wall or valve also experiences wear and tear, preventing the blood circulation from flowing properly.
  • Obesity. Having extra weight puts additional pressure on the veins, especially in the lower legs of the patient.
  • Pregnancy. Pregnant women often have double blood volume in their bodies than normal to support the baby. This causes severe varicose veins and spider veins to form in their bodies as the blood vessels try to accommodate more blood in circulation.
  • Occupation. Standing, sitting, or staying immobile for long periods put patients at risk of developing a larger varicose vein or spider vein on their skin.
  • Heredity and Genetics. Patients with family members who have spider veins and varicose veins are more likely to suffer from these venous conditions too.
  • Gender. Women experience more instances of hormonal changes throughout their lifetime than men because of pregnancy and menopause. This causes more spider veins and varicose veins to appear on their skin.
  • Sedentary Lifestyle. A patient’s calf muscles aren’t doing their job when they have a sedentary or inactive lifestyle. This causes the blood flow inside the veins to slow down and pool, resulting in the appearance of spider veins.
  • Sun Damage. Ultraviolet light from the sun and other UV light sources may damage the skin, causing broken capillaries and blood vessels to form on the skin of your face.

Can You Prevent Spider Veins at Home?

Spider veins can be a cosmetic concern for some people or a serious vein problem for others. While some risk factors can’t be avoided, there are still a few ways for you to lower your risk of developing spider veins even at home.

  • Elevate your legs higher than your waist a few times per day to decrease blood pressure and stimulate blood circulation in your veins.
  • Wear compression stockings or socks to compress the leg veins. This is also helpful in reducing the pain and discomfort caused by the venous condition.
  • Exercise regularly to promote healthy blood flow. Even walking around your home for a few minutes a day can greatly improve your vein health.
  • Eat a balanced diet and cut down your intake of salty, sweet, and processed foods. Increasing your fiber intake also helps improve vein health.
  • Switch up your positions every few minutes to avoid being sedentary. Sitting or standing for long periods increases your risk of developing spider veins.
  • Avoid wearing high heels for too long. These shoes affect the strength of your calf muscles and hinder your blood from flowing freely through the healthy vein.
  • Wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen when heading out to prevent spider veins from appearing on your nose or face.

When Should You Visit a Spider Vein Specialist

In most cases, spider veins aren’t a health condition that requires you to call a vein specialist immediately. But if you’re experiencing uncomfortable symptoms like pain, swelling, and heaviness in your legs, then it’s time to consult an expert.

  • Your legs and ankle start swelling after feeling tired at the end of the day.
  • There’s some bruising and skin discoloration in the area of the spider veins.
  • Your leg wounds aren’t healing properly because of insufficient blood flow.
  • Larger varicose veins are also starting to appear on the skin.
  • Rashes or dry and itchy patches of skin have started appearing near your ankle.
  • Your leg pain is making it difficult for you to move around and complete easy tasks.
  • There’s a tender lump in one of your legs.

Treating Spider Veins

Depending on your venous condition, a vein specialist may recommend either of the following non-surgical treatments to get rid of your spider veins:

  • Sclerotherapy – This treatment uses a concentrated saline solution injected into the damaged vein. It irritates and scars the treated vein, causing it to collapse and disappear over the next few weeks.
  • Endovenous Laser Ablation – This involves inserting a laser fiber into the affected vein using a catheter. The laser then heats the inside of the vein wall to damage and collapse it.
  • Laser Therapy – Laser treatment works best for spider veins and small varicose veins because it doesn’t require incisions. The laser device is simply directed into the visible veins, heating them and causing them to disappear immediately after the treatment.
  • Radiofrequency Ablation – This treatment is similar to EVLT, but it uses radiofrequency energy instead of laser light to heat the walls of the damaged vein. The heat causes the vein walls to collapse and seal shut.

Vascular surgery is only recommended for patients with serious venous conditions that can’t be treated with minimally invasive techniques. It usually involves tying off the affected vein (litigation) or removing a long segment of it (stripping). 

Free Yourself From Vein Issues at America’s Vein Doctors

At America’s Vein Doctors, we promise to deliver high-quality vein treatments for any and all vein concerns. Improve your quality of life by contacting us today for your initial consultation.

What Happens to Untreated Spider Veins?

Many patients find treatments for their spider veins because of cosmetic or medical purposes. It’s important to consult a vein specialist immediately and receive the appropriate treatment before these untreated spider veins develop into:

  1. Chronic Venous Insufficiency is a condition in which the veins of your legs don’t work like they’re supposed to. Some of the vein valves don’t function properly, causing the blood to flow backward or pool in the legs.
  2. Deep Vein Thrombosis happens when there is a blood clot in the legs, resulting in pain and swelling in the area. The appearance of spider veins and varicose veins greatly increases your risk of developing DVT.
  3. Problematic Bleeding leads to skin discoloration, as well as damage and inflammation of the nearby tissues. Untreated spider veins result in increased blood pressure in the veins, causing some of the capillaries to burst and lead to problematic bleeding.
  4. Venous Ulcers form when the broken capillaries and veins fail to heal immediately. These leg ulcers are extremely painful and may become a gateway to infection.

FAQs About Spider Veins

Q: Do spider veins always develop into varicose veins?

A: Although it’s common for some patients to have varicose veins and spider veins at the same time, the appearance of spider veins doesn’t lead to the formation of varicose veins. For one, these venous conditions affect different types of veins – spider veins are formed from broken capillaries while varicose veins develop from much bigger veins.

Q: Is the reticular vein and spider vein the same?

A: It’s easy to confuse these venous conditions because they’re both smaller than a varicose vein, but reticular veins and spider veins are actually different from each other. Reticular veins usually measure about 3 mm. while spider veins are only about 1 mm. 

Q: Are spider veins on my face and nose normal?

A: Aside from the legs, spider veins may also appear on your face and nose. Most of the time, they’re caused by prolonged sun exposure or sudden pressure on the face (forceful sneezing, vomiting, or coughing). These factors cause the capillaries on the face to burst and form spider veins.

Q: Is it safe to use makeup and other cover-up products to conceal spider veins?

A: Yes, it’s common for people to use concealers and other similar products to temporarily cover their spider veins. However, this doesn’t treat the underlying cause of spider veins so it’s still better to consult a vein specialist to get rid of them for good.

Eliminate Spider Veins for Good With Treatments by America’s Vein Doctors

Whether you want to restore your clear and vein-free skin or treat your venous condition, our team at America’s Vein Doctors can help you reach your goals using quick and effective vein treatments. We always make sure to consider your needs, goals, and lifestyle when creating a customized treatment plan that’s uniquely yours.

Call us now to book a consultation with our experts.

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